Agriculture & Land Use

Background Information

Changes in rainfall and temperature will have will have various effects on agriculture in the Great Lakes region. On the one hand, increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations has been shown to increase yields of some crops. However, accompanying increased atmospheric CO2 will be a shift in the region of optimal weather conditions for crops in the region. For example, Wisconsin may benefit from an increased growing season due to warmer temperatures. However, changes in rainfall patterns are expected to cause Wisconsin to become dryer and more flood prone, which can lead to increased soil erosion and pests.

Suggested Activities

  1. Soils and Climate Change

Intended Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss negative impacts of climate change on agriculture such as + pests – yield, + drought
  • Discuss positive impacts of climate change i.e. increase in growing season
  • Compare pre/post USDA 2006 plant zones

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